
How to Replace the Left Y Belt

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[ Manual Pro2 Series – How to Replace the Left Y Belt – V1.0 ]


① 2mm hex wrench

② Plier 

1. Unload the filament.

1)      Set both extruders to the proper unloading temperature. The recommend target temperature is typically 5-10℃ higher than its common printing temperature.

2)      Select “Unload” to begin the unloading process.

3)      After the unloading process is completed, remove the filament and the filament guide tube from the extruder.

Note: If there are any filaments left in the extruder, the nozzle may be jammed by the cooled filament and cannot move.

2. Power off the printer. 


3. Remove the 8 screws on the top cover with a 2.5mm hex wrench. 

4. Remove the retaining screws on the upper and lower edges of plastic covers with a Philips screwdriver, and then disconnect the plug from the air filter fan.

5. Cut the ties which hold the harness at the lower side of the top cover.

6. Lift the top cover up manually (it cannot be fully removed because of the wires in the cable chain).

7. Use a 2mm hex wrench to remove the screws in the pulleys until they can move freely. 

8. Remove the screws which hold the belt block until you can split it from the sliding block. 

9. Remove the belt from printer.


10. Put the new belt on the rod and wrap the pulleys at both ends.

11. Hold each end of the belt and push them into the belt block. 


Note: The belt should be centered at the middle gap of belt block. 


12. Use two pliers to pinch both ends of the belt. Push the pulleys to the ends of rod. 

13. Use enough force to push the two pairs of pliers toward the middle block.


Note: The belt should be centered at the middle gap of belt block so as not to restrict printer head motion. 


14. With the help of the second person, tighten the screws that support the belt block.

15. Pinch the belt tightly and check if the tension matches the other side.

If the tension is uneven, choose the looser of the two, and then repeat steps 1 to 9.

[ Manual Pro2 Series – How to Replace the Left Y Belt – V1.0 ]