
How to Use EVE Smart Assistant

What is the EVE Smart Assistant?

EVE Smart Assistant, also known as EVE, is Raise3D's artificial intelligence assistant on Pro3 Series printers. EVE Smart Assistant can you troubleshoot common printing problems and provide you with practical solutions. You just need to interact with EVE by following the prompts on the screen to troubleshoot the cause of the problem you are experiencing, and to easily solve the problem under the guidance of EVE. EVE also provide more resources Raise3D's Support Center when the printer is networked. EVE Smart Assistant does more than ever, even before you need him.

How can I find EVE?

In what situations will the EVE assistant appear?

The EVE assistant will appear when:

1) When the printer fails and an error message is displayed on the screen;

2) When you stop the current printing task, EVE will appear, asking if a printing error has occurred and providing a solution;

3) When the printing task is completed, and you select "Printing Failed", the EVE assistant will appear, asking if a printing error has occurred and providing solutions;

4) When the printer reaches the recommended maintenance time, the EVE assistant will appear and tell you to maintain the printer;

5) When you load or unload the filament, EVE will appear on the screen. If you encounter filament jamming, you can click the EVE assistant to inquire how to solve the jamming problem;

6) When the printer is powered off then continuing the print, or when you restart the printer, the EVE will automatically pop up, displaying the basic information of the current printing task. EVE will ask you whether to resume the printing task.

What kind of help does EVE currently offer? What do the “Common Problem”, “Print Failed”, “Jam” options below mean?

EVE Assistant currently provides 3 categories of solutions for problems that may occur during the printing process: "Common Problem", "Print Failed" and "Jam".

1) "Common Problem" involves basic problems related to 3D printing, such as how to load new filament, how to access to online help, etc.;

2)"Print Failed" refers to potential problems when printing fails, such as "Print with new filament", "The first layer does not stick to the build plate", "the edge of the model are warped", "Printing offset". EVE will provide corresponding solutions;

3) "Jam" involves problems and solutions related to filament jamming.

EVE's problem library will be regularly updated and enriched, and EVE will help you solve more complex and difficult problems in the future.

How can EVE help you?

EVE will talk to you, help you to troubleshoot the cause of the problem step by step, and finally provide a solution.

EVE will provide some options for your question. You need to choose the appropriate option according to your situation. You need follow EVE's guide and you'll know how to fix it! If some printer functions are involved, EVE will automatically jump to that function. EVE will also provide a web QR code for related support tutorials, you can scan the QR code and jump to the web page for more information.

Below is an example of How EVE help you solve the problem.

1) For example, if you encounter the problem of "The first layer does not stick to the build plate", click this question on the screen to enter the dialogue.

2) EVE will ask "Whether the filaments loaded in the printer are Raise3D official filaments?" Select "Yes" or "No" according to your situation and move to the next dialog. Select "Yes" in this case.

3) EVE provides a figure of the nozzle height when printing, and asks "Please confirm which of the following situations your printed result belongs to?" Choose tone option according to your situation. For example, select "Too low" here.

4) You can also click on the image to view the larger image, or click the Back button to return to the previous conversation.

5) According to your choice, EVE recommend that you need to calibrate the nozzle height and calibrate the X/Y offset. Click the link, EVE will automatically jump to the interface of this function on the printer.

6) For more complex issues, EVE will provide a QR code to support relevant support information. You can scan the QR code to view more solutions.

5. What is Export button in the upper right corner of the dialog interface?

Click "Export" in the upper right corner of the EVE assistant interface, you can export the historical dialogue with EVE and the serial log of the error to your USB storage. EVE also advise you to export serial logs when he provides answers. You can send this information to Raise3D's after-sales service by mail or Ticket system for more help.

6. How many questions are in the EVE question bank, and how does EVE update?

At present, there are dozens of questions in EVE's question library, covering different categories, which can solve the most basic problems when you encountered in the printing process. The EVE Assistant has been upgraded to the latest version when the printer leaves the factory. Later, you can visit https://www.raise3d.com/download/ to download the RaiseTouch upgrade package to upgrade EVE. If your Pro3 series printer is connected to the Internet, it will automatically update the EVE question library online.

7. Can the talking history of EVE be cleared?

You can clear the history of your conversations with EVE in the settings . Click the settings icon in the upper left corner to enter the settings interface, then select "Machine" > "More Settings" > "Reset" > "Clear Smart Assistant History Files".