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(1) Infill

Infill Extruder refers to selecting which extruder to print infill. (If you have set number of extruders to be 1, then it will only show Primary Extruder; if you have set it to be 2, then it will show three functions: All Extruder, Left Extruder and Right Extruder. The All Extruder refers to the extruder selected to print the model).

Figure 1: Select an "Infill Extruder" for your model.

Infill Density refers to the density of infill inside the model, the more infill the more solid the model will be.


Infill Overlap refers to the percentage of overlap between the infill and the shell.

Infill Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the infill structure. Flowrate refers to how much plastic the printer is extruded to extruder. 100% equals to default amount.

Infill Pattern Type refers to selecting the infill pattern for the interior of the model.

Figure 2: Select an "Infill Pattern Type" depending on the model type.

Figure 3: Set "Infill Pattern Type" to be "Grid".

Figure 4: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Rectilinear".

Figure 5: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Honeycomb".

Figure 6: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Triangles".

Figure 7: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Cubic".

Figure 8: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Concentric".

Figure 9: Infill Pattern Type" set to "Gyroid".

Figure 10: "Infill Pattern Type" set to "Lines".

Fill Gaps in 100% Concentric Infill with this function enabled, ideaMaker will fill small gaps with solid fill pattern or single extrusions if the infill pattern type is Concentric and infill density is 100%.

Connect Infill Lines Endpoints

with this function enabled, the endpoints of infill lines will be connected if Infill Pattern Type is Grid, Cubic or Triangles and Lines.

Use Lines Pattern in High Density Grid Infill Pattern with this function enabled, when using grid infill pattern and infill density is greater than 25%, ideaMaker will change the infill pattern to be Lines automatically.

Infill Extrusion Width Percentage refers to the percentage of infill extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the infill extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Infill Offset X with this function enabled the slicer will apply X offset to infill structure.

Infill Offset Y with this function enabled the slicer will apply Y offset to infill structure.

Combine Infill Layers with this function enabled, multiple layers of infill structure will be combined and printed with thicker layer thickness to reduce print time. For example: If you set Combine Infill layer to be 5, the first four layers would no print infill, then the fifth layer will print a thicker layer thickness infill structure.

Infill Outline Shells refers to the number of infill outline shells around the infill structures to improve the adhesion of infill structures.

Note: When this feature enable, Printer will print a few loops around the infill structures to improve the adhesion of infill structures. Especially when the model has been modified to use multiple infill patterns in one print, the option can improve the adhesion among different infill patterns.

Figure 11: Slice with Infill Outline Shells off.

Figure 12: Slice with Infill Outline Shells on.

Fill Gaps in Infill Outlines Shells refers that with this function enabled, ideaMaker will print small gaps in infill outline shells with solid fill pattern or single extrusions.

Print Solid Fill in 100% Infill refers that with this function enabled, the infill regions will be printed with solid fill settings instead of infill settings if Infill Density is 100%.

Infill Minimal Width when this function is enabled, ideaMaker will ignore the infill regions whose width is smaller than the define value.

For example: If you set the Infill Minimal Width to 1mm, the infill will be ignored if the infill region is smaller than 1mm.

Note: Setting the option to 0 will disable this function.


(2) Adaptive Infill with this function enabled ideaMaker will generate denser infill near the model’s top solid layers otherwise making sparse fills.

Adaptive Infill Reduction Count refers to the number of times infill ratio will change.

Infill Ratio Range refers to the range of minimum and maximum of infill ratio.

Adaptive Infill Layers refers to the number of layers bellow the top solid that adaptive infill will be applied.

Adaptive Infill Inner Horizontal Expansion with this function enabled, the adaptive infill structure would be expanded in XY direction to avoid narrow infill regions.

Adaptive Infill Minimal Width refers to the minimal width of parts of the model that will be modified by the adaptive infill settings.

Note: Infill Ratio in Per-layer settings and Infill Ratio modifier settings will be ignored if adaptive infill is enabled.


(3) Infill Angle

Infill Angle refers that you can define the direction of each layer of the infill structure. If you add 30, 60, 90deg, the angle of the first layer of infill structure will be 30deg.The second layer will be 60deg. The third layer will be 90deg. The fourth layer will be back to 30deg and the angle of the following layers changes in the order.

Angle refers to the directional angle of infill structure.

Add Infill Angle refers to adding a value.

Remove Infill Angle refers to removing the selected value.

Figure 13: The Infill tab.