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(1) Top and Down Solid Part

Bottom Solid Fill Layers refers to the number of solid layers at the bottom of the model.

Note: Bottom Solid Fill Layers does not include the First Layer, which is located against the build plate or the Raft. For example, if “Bottom Solid Fill Layers=5”, then the bottommost layer is the First Layer. The 2nd layer is the Bottom Surface Solid Fill Layers. The 3rd to 5th layers from bottom to up are Bottom Solid Fill Layers as Figure 1.


Top Solid Fill Layers refers to the number of solid layers at the top of the model.

For example: Setting Bottom Solid Fill Layers to be 5 and Top Solid Fill Layers to be 4, you will see model as Figure 1.

Figure 1: Top and Bottom Solid Fill Layers.

Bottom Solid Fill Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the solid part at the bottom of the model.

Top Solid Fill Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the solid part at the top of the model.

Bottom Solid Fill Pattern Type refers to the infill pattern for the solid layers at the bottom of the model.

Top Solid Fill Pattern Type refers to the infill pattern for the solid layers at the top of the model.

Figure 2: Select a Solid Fill Pattern Type depending on the model type.

Figure 3: "Top Solid Fill Patter Type" set to "Lines".

Figure 4: "Top Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Rectilinear"

Figure 5: “Top Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Concentric".

Bottom Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage refers to the percentage of solid bottom layers extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid bottom layers extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Top Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage refers to percentage of solid top layers extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid top layers extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Solid Fill Outline Shells refers to the number of outline shells in at the solid fill layer to avoid solid fill layer collapse.

Figure 6: "Solid Fill Outline Shells" set to 2.

Solid Fill Minimal Width refers to the minimal extrusion width of the printing solid fill structures. With this function enabled, you can avoid some jagged solid lines as Figure 7.

Figure 7: "Solid Fill Minimal Width" set to 0.8 mm.

Figure 8: "Solid Fill Minimal Width" set to 0 mm.

Solid Fill Expansion expands the solid fill regions by the defined distance. This feature will give better layer adhesion.

Note: Setting this value to be 0 will disable this function.


Use Gap Filling for Failing Solid Part refers that with this function enabled the failed solid part will be filled with the selected solid fill pattern type.

Expand Solid Fill to Fill Small Hole with this function enabled ideaMaker will auto expand the solid fill regions to fill the hole whose width is smaller than the define value.

For example: If you set the Expand Solid Fill to Fill Small Hole to 0.2mm, the hole will be ignored if the hole’s width is greater than 0.2mm (refers to the left model).

If you set the Expand Solid Fill to Fill Small Hole to 3mm, the hole will be printed as sloid fill if the hole’s width is smaller than 3mm (refers to the right model).


1Setting the option to 0 will disable this function.

2This option will not bring unnecessary solid fills like the Solid Fill Expansion option, but only the region of fill holes will be expanded.

Figure 9: Slice with Expand Solid Fill to Fill Small Hole on.


(2) Monotonic Solid Fill

Bottom Monotonic Solid Fill with this function enabled, the bottom solid fill will be printed in a specific monotonic order.

Top Monotonic Solid Fill with this function enabled, the top solid fill will be printed in a specific monotonic order.

Top Surface Monotonic Solid Fill with this function enabled, the top surface solid fill will be printed in a specific monotonic order.

(3) Top Surface Solid Fill

Top Surface Solid Fill Layers refers to the number of the surface solid layers at the top of the model.

Note: Top Surface Solid Fill Layers is a part of Top Solid Fill Layers.

Modify the Top Surface Solid Fill Layers’ printing settings to improve the top-most layer(s) quality.

You can set Top Surface Solid Fill Layers does not exceed the number of Top Solid Fill Layers.

For example, if “Top Solid Fill Layers=4”, “Top Surface Solid Fill Layers=2”, then the topmost 2 layers are top surface and the remaining 2 layers are “Top Solid Fill Layers” demonstrated in Figure 9.

Figure 10: Top Surface Solid Fill Layers.

Top Surface Solid Fill Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the surface solid part at the top of the model.

Top Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type refers to the infill pattern for the surface solid layers at the top of the model.

Figure 11: Select a "Top Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" for your model.

Figure 12: "Top Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Lines".

Figure 13:Set "Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Rectilinear".

Figure 14: "Top Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Concentric".

Top Surface Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage refers to percentage of solid top surface layers extrusion width.

For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid top surface layers extrusion width is 0.48mm.

Top Surface Solid Fill Expansion with this function enabled, the ratio of Solid Fills in Top Surface layers will be increased which can avoid different solid infill settings in different areas.

(4) Bottom Surface Solid Fill

Bottom Surface Solid Fill Layers refers to the number of the surface solid layers at the model’s overhang structure.

Note: Bottom Surface Solid Fill Layers is less than or equal to Bottom Solid Fill Layers.

Modify the Bottom Surface Solid Fill Layers’ printing settings to improve overhang structures. You can set Bottom Surface Solid Fill Layers to not exceed the number of Bottom Solid Fill Layers.


Bottom Surface Solid Fill Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the interior of the surface solid part at the bottom of the model.

Bottom Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type refers to the infill pattern for the surface solid layers at the bottom of the model.


Figure 15: Select a "Bottom Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" for your model.

Figure 16: "Bottom Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Lines".

Figure 17: "Bottom Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Rectilinear".

Figure 18: "Bottom Surface Solid Fill Pattern Type" set to "Concentric".

Bottom Surface Solid Fill Extrusion Width Percentage refers to the percentage of solid bottom surface layers extrusion width. For example: If your extrusion width is 0.4mm, and you set this value to 120% then the solid bottom surface layers extrusion width is 0.48mm. 

Bottom Surface Solid Fill Expansion with this function enabled, the ratio of Solid Fills in bottom surface layers will be increased which can avoid different solid infill settings in different areas.

Note: if the structure is detected as bridging, then the ration of bridging will be increased as well.

(5) Ironing With this function enabled, ideaMaker will print an “Ironing” layer with a small amount of flowrate in low speed after finishing the top layer to provide a smooth finished surface.

Ironing Flowrate refers to the flow rate of printing the ironing structure.

Ironing Speed refers to the printing speed of the ironing structure.

Ironing Monotonic with this function enabled, the top layer will be ironed in a specific monotonic order.

Figure 19: "Ironing" enabled.

Figure 20: "Ironing" disabled.

(5) Top and down Solid Fill Angle

Top and down Solid Fill Angle refers that you can define the direction of each layer of the top and down solid fill structure. If you add 30, 60, 90deg, the angle of the first layer of top and down solid fill structure will be 30deg.The second layer will be 60deg. The third layer will be 90deg. The fourth layer will be back to 30deg and the angle of the following layers changes in the order.

Angle refers to the directional angle of top and down solid fill structure.

Add Infill Angle refers to adding a value.

Remove Infill Angle refers to removing the selected value.

Figure 21: Solid Fill tab.