
How to Calibrate the Bed Leveling

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[ Manual Pro2 Series - How to Calibrate the Bed Leveling - V1.0 ]

1. From the “Utilities” tab on the touchscreen, select X/Y Home icon to home the X and Y Axis. When the process completes, select the Z Home icon to complete the Z-axis homing. 

1)     Once both homing procedures are completed, disable the motors by selecting the “Disable Motor” icon in the top left of the screen.

2. Enable left nozzle.

1)     Open the “Home” tab and set the temperature of the left and right nozzle to 180℃.

1)     When the nozzles reach the target temperature, open the “Utilities” tab and select the left nozzle icon, then use the down arrow to enable the left nozzle.

3. Disable the motors from the utility screen, move the extruder to the center of the bed. This can be done by manually moving the upper part of the extruder and taking special precautions to avoid touching the hot surface of the printer.

1)     Measure the distance between the nozzle tip and the build surface with a 0.2mm feeler gauge.

2)     When properly calibrated, the feeler gauge should have friction between the bed and the nozzle without requiring excessive force. 

3)     If the current position does not fit this description, please refer to Pro2-How to Calibrate the Nozzle Offset.

4. Move the extruder to the four corners of the build plate, and check the distances with the feeler gauge. If the feel of the feeler gauge moving at the four corners and moving at the center position is inconsistent, determine whether the distance is too far or too close.

1)     If the distance is too far, loosen the center nut underneath the specified corner by using a 5.5mm socket spanner. Tighten the other two screws evenly until the nozzle and bed are both contacting the feeler gauge with proper resistance.

2)     If the feeler gauge is too close or can’t be inserted, loosen the 2 retaining screws, and then tighten the center nut until the proper resistance is achieved.

5. Select the Z-Home button. Once the homing is completed, check the distance between the nozzle tip and build plate.

1)     If you want to move the gantry manually, you will need to disable the motors again after the homing process.

2)     Confirm that all 4 corners and the center of the bed offer the correct amount of resistance as depicted in step 3.

3)     If further adjustments are required, repeat the steps until the proper position is reached. 

[ Manual Pro2 Series - How to Calibrate the Bed Leveling - V1.0 ]